'American Horror Story' Promo #6: People in Glass Prisons

'American Horror Story' Promo #6: People in Glass Prisons They're not done yet! Yesterday, when we saw the fifth "American Horror Story" promo hit, I thought it might be the last one we would see. Why? Mostly just because five is a nice round number.

But fans woke up today to the sixth "American Horror Story" promo posted on Facebook, so who knows how many there will be? This latest one, titled "Glass Prison," features an inmate clawing at the small opening in her cell, trying to get out. At first it seems that she's just looking to break out, but at the end we see that something grabs her and pulls her away... so maybe she was trying to escape from some kind of monster, and not just from her cell.

This one is a little less creepy than the ones we've seen so far, I think, but the visuals are still pretty stellar.

As for the overally series of teasers, can we put together some kind of pattern or meaning thus far? Some have posited that these teasers will be providing the images for the opening credits for the second season, which makes some sense: the credits from the first season will probably be scrapped, as they don't really fit the "Asylum" vibe. Plus, each clip uses that weird clicky dripping sound used in the season one credits, so there's another clue.

Or, they just might be a bunch of creepy teasers. Who knows?

Check out the latest "American Horror Story" promo below: